
ntfl 攻略(36/101) "A suitable reception"

Task Quickly, quickly! My honorable colleague Professor Doctor Meisenheimer is coming to visit me. Prepare a suitable reception for him - play the record player and fire the cannons! タスク 画面左下のCANNONで祝砲を鳴らし、GRAMOPHONEを演奏…

ntfl 攻略(35/101) "Waste separation in space"

Task Wrecking ball upwards, box downwards. Waste must be separated - even in space! タスク WRECKING BALLを画面上へ。BOXを画面下へ。 それぞれ、矢印より先に進めばクリア。 エレメント DRIVE BELT(ドライブ・ベルト) x2 COGWHEEL(はめ歯歯車・小)…

鋼の錬金術師(15) (ISBN:4757518129)
